This Tuesday comes bearing bad news. Unfortunately, White Walls who were scheduled to play ARTmania for the first time, are canceling all their concert activity for the summer. Eugen, the band’s soloist, is currently battling serious health issues. In the good tradition of ARTmaniacs who could barely wait to see them again or discover them this summer, we ask you to please respect their discretion and privacy during this trying time and only write to them to comfort them. Read their announcement explaining their decision below.
“Delivering bad news is never easy, and White Walls has had to deliver bad news quite often during our 14-year “career”. Unpleasant as it may be, though, we need to make this announcement.
As some of you already know, Eugen has been battling some serious health issues for some time now. Fortunately, the condition is currently not life threatening, but it’s seriously affecting his quality of life.
The five of us are doing the best we can to support him during his treatment and medical procedures he needs to undergo so he may come back to sing with all of us. It’s not impossible, we haven’t run out of hope and our spirits are as high as they can possibly be right now, although we are looking at a journey that’s going to be several months long.
We are currently, evidently forced to bring all our concert activity to a halt, at least for this summer. It is extremely painful as a hyper-underground band, to see ourselves invited to these wonderful festivals like ARTmania or Electric Castle, to see the type of summer usually only reserved for our favorite bands to take shape for us, the type of summer we longed for and never had, only to have to give it up after we’ve done everything in our power to keep it together. It’s nevertheless nowhere near as painful as what Eugen is going through right now.
We can’t find the right words to describe how sorry we are to have to cancel our performances, so we won’t even try.
Please respect our privacy and discretion during this trying time, and we promise White Walls will be back.
Eugen, Dasu, Șerban, Theo & Mihnea.”